I have been a Christian since the age of 9. I remember that special day in "chapel" on a Thursday morning at Yucaipa Christian School. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and later memorized John 3:16. My moment was shared with my 4th grade teacher, Miss Williams. I still remember the white pews covered in red fabric, the low ceiling and the smell of the chapel. Rumor has it that Miss Williams still teaches at that school! I might have to visit.
Anyway, many may not know that I have been a Christian most of my life because surely there have been times when my faith has waivered and my choices did not reflect my Father's plan. Temptation and sin are everywhere and I faltered...I am human and a sinner. By God's amazing grace, I am His child and forgiven. What a refreshing reminder...
I think that especially in "today's" standards and society, I as a Christian seem to be "held back" for lack of a better word, when it comes to sharing my faith with others. All to often I find myself in a "circle of comfort" unwilling to move away to share the greatest gift I could give a person. I think every Christian struggles with this at some point. Sometimes I ponder my hesitation and fears...embarrassment, rejection, questions I'm unable to answer and so much more.
I am suddenly at a point in which I am meeting more people in my life, whether it be hobbies, school, even mom groups. I wonder if God is strategically placing these people in my life to see what I will do. Will I listen? Will I profess my faith and stand firm in my beliefs?
I want to be more usable by God. I want to be willing to enter the zone of the unknown. I want to listen for the spirit's prompting. I want to "just walk."

Here's a little something that our pastor encouraged us to do this week. If you are a Christian and someone special encouraged you in your decision or shared in your believing moment, send them a quick email or note and let them know that you're thinking of them. Spend a little time this week praying for this special person.
I'm off to find Miss Williams...
There's no doubt in my mind God places these people in our lives at certain times and I also believe that having the courage to step out of our comfort zone is a huge part of growing closer to Him.
your faith is amazing girl. I'm so happy to have read this first thing this morning. You are my devotion today. i love you.
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