Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Official

We are ill. Here's a little recap of last night:

My nausea started around 4 or so. By 6 pm it was official. I was vomiting and my stomach was in knots. At 7 pm I decided to take a bath to help settle my stomach. Sophie came in the bathroom to keep me company and before you know it, I look over and she is vomiting all over the bathroom. I start screaming for Jay to come and help me when I jump out of the tub to "get sick" once again and in the process accidentally drop my cell phone in the bath tub. Jay comes running in as I am now hovered over a bowl (did I tell you that I refuse to vomit in the toilet...it's gross) and Sophie is crying and continuing to vomit. Alec then begins screaming from the living room that Miles has now vomited all over him. Jay was a bit "flustered" not knowing who to help first and which mess to deal with. The night continued this way for some time before everyone passed out around 11 pm. Sophie and I ended up sleeping in my bed and Jay chose the sofa because he refused to share sleeping space with the "sicko's." It was a VERY long night and we are incredibly exhausted. My bones ache and I still have the chills and a fever of 102. We are beginning the disinfecting process and opening every window/door in our home.
Go away stomach flu, go away...


Wendy said...

Oh Jen you poor thing! What a mess to have so many sickies at once. Good thing Jay was home.

I hope it goes away soon and that your house goes back to normal. I'm here if you need me.

with love, the fishers said...

it's the black plague. we all had it too. it'll be over soon.

Supermom said...

Holy Cow! Been there done that and it totally sucks! I hope you all get better soon! I'm taking note to stay away until you are all better! LOL

Faithy said...

Yuck! I feel for you. I was up all night last night sick from both ends :( I'm hoping I don't pass it to the babies! Glad you are feeling better. Isn't it great to have a husband to take of you? :)
Happy homeschooling today!