Monday, December 29, 2008

Our favorite gifts!!!

Here are some photos of Jay's favorite gift

Today we had fried shrimp for lunch. He is determined to fry absolutely anything that he finds. So apparently we're destined to be obese. Thanks Giselle for the "future heart disease" Christmas gift :)

Here is a pic of my favorite gift. This is what my husband gave me. A quick bit of information for you. He has N E V E R seen "Sex and the City" and does not know how Beethoven's love letters were used in that movie. I own the book Love Letters of Great Men and this is what he did for me. Jay is just simply amazing.

It is already on my wall in our bedroom.If you have never heard of the famous Ludwig Van Beethoven's letters to his lover. Here's a little history. Three passionate unsent love letters were found among Beethoven's papers after his death, addresed to his 'Immortal Beloved'. There was no year on the letters, and the identity of the 'Immortal Beloved' has not been conclusivley established, although the most likely candidate is thought to be Antonie Brentano. Two letters were written on July 6 and the last on July 7. Here is the ending of the final letter,

"What longing in tears for you - You - my Life - my All - farewell. Oh, go on loving me - never doubt the faithfullest heart Of your beloved
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours."

My husband has printed and framed these three beautiful letters and given them to me as a gift for Christmas. These letters are now on a wall surrounded by my favorite pregnancy photos. I am speechless and my heart is still in shock.

It was my perfect gift.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Wrap Up

Christmas Eve was wonderful as usual. We spent the evening at my in-laws and feasted on ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes...all the good stuff. The kids were hysterical and Miles surprised everyone by deciding to W A L K!!! It was exciting and a highly anticipated event.

Sophie's favorite gift was a ballerina tutu set from Auntie Mandy. Miles enjoyed the tissue paper and Alec grinned over his Target gift cards.

Look at this "Worker Man" and "Ballerina." Miss Sophie L O V E S to pose!

I must say that the best part of our evening was meeting Miss Violet (Kari and Tommy's new baby girl). She was a day old and already one of the most gorgeous babies I have every seen! She even has a beauty mark on her thigh in the shape of a heart. Seriously God, job well done! Mom and baby are doing amazingly well and what a great Christmas blessing. I was tempted to share pics that I took but I know that Kari wants to introduce everyone to Violet, so stay posted.

Tia Giselle and Uncle Brandon met us at our house and the kids finally went to bed as the adults ran around the house finishing up last minute gift wrapping and Santa acting. We decided to delay singing Happy Birthday to Jesus until the follow morning.

At promptly 7am the kiddos awoke screaming, "It's Jesus' Birthday. It's Christmas. Santa came!!!" We made banana loaf the day before and spent a little time singing to Jesus and being thankful for our Saviour. Sophie insisted on sitting in "Jesus'" spot at the table. I'm just thankful the kids didn't fight over this decision. (Thank you Alec.)

The rest of the fam soon arrived. By 9 am we had 15 people in our little home and it was perfect. We made our breakfast/sausage casserole, fresh fruit, chilaquiles (compliments of dad), pinto beans, and of course fresh coffee and orange juice.

My Aunt from Nicaragua made a last minute decision to spend the holidays with us and this was extra special. We had a full house, full bellies and Christmas joy. I love having a busy home. I love the noise and chaos. This is my idea of a perfect holiday. Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 days and counting...

Today at church Sophie's class had a birthday party for Jesus. They had a cake, candles and sang. I thought it extra special that "Santa Claus" made an appearance to help sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. The kids got a kick out of the special day and Santa joining the festivites.

At church we talked about things that we were thankful for and what our "gift" to Jesus would be this year. I sat back thinking of the many things that I could focus a better friend, be a more understanding wife, be a more patient mother, be a more attentive sister...the list goes on and on. What do I want my gift to be? What can be the perfect gift for Jesus this year?
This Christmas I will wrap my heart and soul and place it in my Father's hands.

This Christmas I will worry less and savor each moment of my day knowing that God has an amazing plan for me and my family.

This Christmas I will care less about material things and truly realize the value that God places on me rather than wordly things.

This Christmas I will sincerely thank God for sending his Son and loving me unconditionally.

This year Sophie has decided to make Jesus a chocolate cake. Usually we give make muffins or cookies and sing Happy Birthday on Christmas morning. I think that we might start a new tradition on Christmas Eve with cake, candles, singing, reading from Luke and a little self reflection. It will be interesting to see what the kids are thankful for and what their gift to Jesus will be. I'll let you know how it goes...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Winter Wonderland

Today we ventured to Angelus Oaks to visit with friends and enjoy a little lunch. Sophie and Miles had their first "snow" experience and the day was wonderful.

The kids had a great afternoon and we enjoyed watching their faces as they played in the white wonderland. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Peaceful Morning

I love mornings. Well maybe not necessarily the getting out of bed part, but I love the idea of a fresh, new day. What an amazing way to welcome the morning and truly see God's amazing work. As I sit at my kitchen table, starting the kids with their school work and breakfast, this is what I have been blessed with outside my window. It's a crisp, chilly and peaceful morning. I thought you might enjoy it also.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bye bye Santa Claus

Today was the day. I've anticipated this day for 12 and a half years and the questioned was finally asked.

"Mom, I know that you and Pop pretend to be Santa Claus. Will you please just tell me the truth?"

And so began the Santa Claus conversation. Bubba actually handled the new knowledge quite well. He had his suspicions and needed confirmation. Pop and I explained everything to him and it was a nice opportunity to make him aware of the time and effort it takes to be "Santa." He was surprisingly grateful for the gifts that we had chosen over the years and a little relieved that a jolly old fat man was not sliding/squeezing down our chimney.

This will be the first year that Bubba helps Pop and I with the Santa rituals on Christmas Eve. He's excited to help put La-la and Pork Chop to bed and I'm thrilled with the additional hands to help wrap gifts. Pop is ecstatic that he doesn't have to consume all of the cookies, milk and's time for Bubba to fill his belly and partake in the trickery.

A little part of me is sad. My Bubba is growing up so fast. 13 is right around the corner and I see him transforming into a young man right in front of my eyes. I still see his childish innocence when he talks about Santa to La-La. He is an amazing older brother and I someday hope that the little ones appreciate him for all that he does.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jam Session

A perfect night:

Chilly night, warm fire, coffee, guitars, the kiddos and my Dad. Oh yeah and an impromptu jam session. Sometimes we pretend we are our own mariachi band ;) We laughed and sang and just enjoyed the moment.

My dad AKA "Grandpa Stinky" savors the little moments that he gets with his grandchildren. It's amazing to watch him as a grandfather. I'm reminded of memories from when I was little and it tickles my heart.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A little Christmas at Disneyland

This last Wednesday we took off on a Disneyland adventure. Pop, Mom, Bubba, La-La, Pork Chop, Grammy, Mandy, Jonas and Mattias created quite a group and enjoyed the warm day that Southern California brought us. It was a perfect day for Disneyland.

Sophie and Grammy enjoyed the Dumbo ride.

Jay and Jonas

This is the reason we go to Disneyland. I bet we could find a cheaper merry-go-round.

Pork Chop's first solo ride.

A little brotherly love.

Sophie had to have a photo op in front of "her" castle. Apparently Pork Chop thought the Corn Dog Stand was more interesting.

We had to experience the Disneyland "snow."

La-La was speechless.

Christmas time at Disneyland is absolutely beautiful. Go there now...