Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday's aren't that bad...

Monday greeted me quite nicely...
The kiddos slept in which I always appreciate.
Everyone got ready without wardrobe issues (thank you Sophie).
We took a trip to Dr. Nate for our chiropractic adjustment which was definitely wonderful.
I saw my oral surgeon for my wisdom teeth extraction follow-up and all is well. I was able to go home without any additional gauze packing. I am so thankful. All three kids came to my appt with me and I must say that I was quite impressed by their behavior. Although, Sophie did befriend an elderly woman named Joyce in the waiting room. Joyce had a wonderful time playing with the children and asked Sophie what her little brother's name was. Sophie replied, "His name is Miles but my Daddy calls him Pork Chopper but really he's a Turd!"
Oh yes, she really did...
We'll try again on Tuesday.


xoxo, Kari said...

Oh my gosh! That is hilarious!!! I wish I could have been there to see that!!!

And I'm glad your teeth are gauzeless...finally!

Faithy said...

Haha! You gotta' love it when they say things like that :) It could have been worse I guess. Glad you're feeling better after your wisdom teeth ordeal.