Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ahh, thanks Ma!

Today my wonderful mother offered to drive my children to her house so that I could get a "long" run in. My plan was to run from my house to her house, about 4.5 miles...not too bad. I made this plan at 9:30 am before going outside to feel how incredibly hot it was. Ugh...
Alec wanted to ride his bike with me and help carry water. He loves our little adventures. We had a great plan!
My mom insisted on following me in the car as she was worried that someone was going to hit me on the narrow streets. It was sweet.
Needless to say, I made it about 3 miles before I thought I was going to pass out. It was way too hot and the sun was a bit intense. Thank goodness for my concerned mama following me. I gave up on my run, jumped in the car and enjoyed the air conditioning the rest of the ride home.
No more day time running on hot days. I guess I will have to force myself to wake up early if I want to keep this running thing going. Eek, it's going to be a long summer.


Vanessa said...

stay hydrated, Girlie! Run when the sun is going down :) 3 miles is something to be proud of!

Lauren Fisher said...

Ugh...Im with you on this one. I have deserted the idea that I will run outside until summer is over...its so horrible!