As a student midwife I am able to have my own clients. It works quite well because my precepting midwife oversees and participates directly in all of their care but I am the primary health care provider and I catch the baby, speak directly with the client and schedule all prenatal appointments, etc. It may sound a bit complicated but it is a great way for me to get in specific clinical experience and also offer the client competent midwifery care at a discounted rate.
When I discovered that I felt ready to begin taking my own clients I began to fret just a bit. Jay and I had several conversations regarding where I would "find" these clients. So, we prayed and prayed and prayed. I wanted to be sure that God would place the "right" clients in my path. I wanted women that truly felt prepared and empowered to have their babies in their homes. These first few ladies had to be special ladies. Within a few weeks, the phone began ringing and I now have five clients of my own! At this point if anyone else calls I will have to direct them to another student midwife. I'm busy, busier than I ever expected to be and I am so thankful for these amazing women.